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Cybersecurity/Cyber Security: One Word, or Two?

A rebel succumbs to social norms.

Way back in ’15, an eternity in the digital world, I launched a new company. The goal: help small businesses executives better protect themselves from hackers. Our approach is research driven. Digital crime rates and advanced statistics can predict financial losses. These projections then drive budgets and priorities related to securing digital assets. In short, we maximize security investments.

As much as hackers, I fear offending grammar aficionados. I set out to determine the correct usage of the word(s) that labeled our industry. The question loomed: is it cybersecurity, or cyber security? Equally authoritative sources seemed to favor one or the other. Finding no consensus among them left me frustrated.

I spent a ridiculous amount of time researching the etymology of similar words. Based on historic usage of similar terms the proper form is two words. Cyber security is no different corporate security, mall security, and physical security. Research complete, I committed myself, and the company, to using the two word form.

Fast forward two years, and thousands of headlines, later. The one-word form of cybersecurity reigns supreme. Decades of precedent in other areas has given way. Despite best efforts, I ended up on the wrong side.

Those that know me, know that I do not succumb to social norms. When society demands conformance, I stand my ground with deep conviction. It is my greatest strength, and it is my greatest weakness. Today I am going to try something different. I will tap into my inner Frost, and take, what is for me, a road less traveled. I yield to the digital gods and the pressure of society. Cybersecurity is the correct label for my career and my company.

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